Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Here we are a few days before Christmas and waiting for a new baby--- interesting situation for us as a family and especially for me emotionally. Jake is VERY fun lately, generally happy and working on a lot of skills both physically and mentally. He is growing up quickly now and becoming quite the helper. He is independent and LOVES learning new things--- he is stubborn and very strong willed (sometimes problematic). It has never been more obvious that he is a mixture of Brent and myself in temperment and also appearance....genetics!

We are expecting both sets of grandparents, Ashley, Mike, Brooke, Ryan, and maybe a few others for Christmas dinner on Thursday--- that will be fun and tiring all at once...I'm hopeful that it will lure Emma out of hiding! My family will show up again mid January to fully embrace Emma as family--- she will be a little over 2 weeks old at that point and we should be in some type of routine by then.

I am wanting a hair cut, and some pampering...but that will wait. We have the house organized pretty well, and we're still cleaning a little....it's all coming together pretty well.

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