Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Here we are a few days before Christmas and waiting for a new baby--- interesting situation for us as a family and especially for me emotionally. Jake is VERY fun lately, generally happy and working on a lot of skills both physically and mentally. He is growing up quickly now and becoming quite the helper. He is independent and LOVES learning new things--- he is stubborn and very strong willed (sometimes problematic). It has never been more obvious that he is a mixture of Brent and myself in temperment and also appearance....genetics!

We are expecting both sets of grandparents, Ashley, Mike, Brooke, Ryan, and maybe a few others for Christmas dinner on Thursday--- that will be fun and tiring all at once...I'm hopeful that it will lure Emma out of hiding! My family will show up again mid January to fully embrace Emma as family--- she will be a little over 2 weeks old at that point and we should be in some type of routine by then.

I am wanting a hair cut, and some pampering...but that will wait. We have the house organized pretty well, and we're still cleaning a little....it's all coming together pretty well.

Friday, December 12, 2008

First blog...

I've decided that this may be the most likely way for me to record things as they happen in my life--- and the lives of Brent, Jake, and soon, Emma!!

We'll see if I succeed or if this ends up like every other journal attempt in my life...a few months of scattered entries with no real purpose....

As of today we are anticipating the arrival of our second child, Emma. This pregnancy has been totally different than my first (with Jake)--- I have gestational diabetes this time and Emma is also measuring small for her gestational age--- weird, but true. Jake is really excited to meet his sister and we're all ready to hold her-- the due date was Dec 31, then Jan 2, and now we're looking at induction on the 29th of Dec. if not before.

All is well with most things--- Brent is finishing his first semester of Seminary at Lancaster Theological Seminary and Jake is finishing his first year of preschool as well. Both of them are truly enjoying school so far. Brent still works at the Board of Child Care and is frustrated constantly with staff training and retention...annoying. He is in the midst of crazy Christmas donations and program as well as finals at school.

As usual, our main stress is $$. This is not a complaint, just the reality of life for us lately. We are working hard at saving and so far our relationship isn't really impacted--- due to a very clear and honest effort at communication and honesty with one another.

Brent is also teaching TaeKwonDo in Littlestown, PA and loving that- it is 3 nights a week, which is more than he'd like--- but tis the reality for now.

Jake is a little past 2.5 years old and doing really well with most things- his temper is evident and we are trying to teach him some management and help him understand himself and his emotions...a never ending lesson I fear.

That is all for now...